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Koerner has more than 25 years of experience and research, worldwide patents, and customers in 50 countries worldwide.

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With us, you have an edge.
The KVK trademark ensures this. Guaranteed.

Benefits at a Glance

Quality has a name: KVK

Our trademark KVK stands for a complete bundle of unique benefits.
Only rely on the original.

  Made in Austria and Germany
Our locations stand for quality, innovation and reliability.
    Innovation as a Series Product
Our engineers are constantly at work on optimising that which is tried and proven and creating new items for your benefit.
  25 Years of Experience
You profit from our many years of experience at every level.
    Optimum Cost Effectiveness
Many references prove the service life of our plants to be 20 years and more with minimum maintenance costs.
  Built to Last
Our tanks hold out. Even in the rough environment of hot dip galvanising plants.
    Environmental Protection
With us, you are assured of complying with environmental regulations that are becoming more and more strict.
Tank sizes can be reduced or increased even after many years thereby adapting to the requirements of your pickling plant.
    Quality Control
The key components of the pickling plant are created in our own plants and are subject to strict quality control from internal and external testing institutes.

KVK Benefits

The KVK tanks The KVK tanks The size of our tanks can be reduced or increased even after years, and adapted to the requirements of your pickling plant.
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Plants Around the World

The Netherlands – Nedcoat Group The Netherlands – Nedcoat Group Koerner built one of the most modern galvanising plants worldwide for the largest Dutch galvanising group in Groningen.
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